Maximize the value of tenure-triggered employee benefits

by Rick Joi
Rick Joi is the founder of The Workiversary Group and author of the award‑winning book, Inspiring Work Anniversaries.

An often overlooked type of “gift” you can give on a work anniversary is improved benefits.

If you do this, it’s important to capture full credit for it by communicating with the employee on their exact work anniversary that the new benefit has kicked in together with wishing them a happy work anniversary.

Celebrate tenure-based benefits with time-based “eligibility”

Your organization may already have benefits that are given on work anniversaries.

Paid paternity leave starts at a year? That’s a work anniversary gift!

Does their equity vest after three years? That’s a work anniversary gift!

Even if something starts at 90 days, that’s a 90-day work anniversary and worth celebrating.

The important optimization is to make sure you communicate those benefits have kicked in and do it in a warm, congratulatory way, not a cold, minimal, check-the-box, matter-of-fact way.

Personalize the communication

If you can do it in person, that’s amazing, but an automated communication is lots better than nothing. It’s worth it to put the extra effort into addressing the employee by name, wishing them a happy work anniversary, using your organization’s unique lingo as much as possible, and delivering it on their exact work anniversary (or earlier if that’s not possible).


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Improving your work anniversary program