thoughts on making
work anniversaries better
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The value of paying for onboarding “classes” to go out annually
If your organization is big enough that you onboard new employees in groups going through the same initial orientation and training together, then you have the opportunity to support them continuing that interdepartmental bond.
Five ways to make work anniversaries meaningful for your employees and valuable for your organization
Learn about the top five low-effort and low-expense ways to acknowledge work anniversaries.
Boosting productivity through better work anniversaries
Learn about the unexpected connection between productivity and work anniversaries.
Set up your work anniversary budget for success
How you handle budgeting for celebrating work anniversaries can have a big impact on the long-term success of your work anniversary program.
Don’t let a vendor ask your employees to pick their own work anniversary gift
Pick-your-own-gift catalogs can appear to be a good solution to celebrating work anniversaries, but the reality is that you’re likely to end up paying way to much for a bad experience that does nothing for your workplace culture.
Maximize the value of tenure-triggered employee benefits
An often overlooked type of “gift” you can give on a work anniversary is improved benefits. If you do this, this blog post will help you make it more meaningful and capture full credit for it .
Improving your work anniversary program
Are you in HR and ready to improve your organization’s work anniversary program? Then, this is the big question: How do I get started? This blog post makes getting started simple.
Work anniversary messaging tips for managers
As a manager, whatever you do for your employees’ work anniversaries, here are some general tips to help your interactions have the most value.
A workplace culture improvement book in disguise! 🥸
Inspiring Work Anniversaries is a workplace culture improvement book in disguise! 🥸
The first-of-its-kind book, Inspiring Work Anniversaries, is live!
Inspiring Work Anniversaries is now available everywhere books are sold — as a hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and ebook!
The official 2024 work anniversary gift giving guide
The definitive, unbiased guide of all the options for gifts you can give on a work anniversary, along with which make the most sense for which types of organizations
Manager tip: the power of preparation
If you’re a manager, then your employees believing you care about them as people is important to your team working at its full potential. How do you show you care? Prepare! You can ask about your employees’ preferences and then use those preferences to tailor what you do on their work anniversary.
Extra vacation as a work anniversary gift
Looking for one of the simplest and most loved work anniversary gifts and one with zero tax complications? Look no further than additional time off!
How managers can eliminate the #1 work anniversary complaint
Managers are uniquely positioned to eliminate the #1 work anniversary complaint for all of their direct reports — learn how to eliminate it, and how to easily be amazing at it. ✨
Physical bulletin boards and work anniversaries
If your team communicates using a physical bulletin board to post notices in a well-trafficked area — like near the time clock or in the break room — then you can use that space to improve how your organization acknowledges work anniversaries!
Strengthening workplace culture through uniqueness
Think about broader, societal-level cultures. Think about one that you are especially drawn to. What is it about the culture that appeals to you? Whatever it is, it’s the parts that are different. What makes the culture unique is what makes it special — both in the broadest sense of the word culture and in workplace culture.
Promote employees on their work anniversary
If your organization has “increased competency” promotions, then you should be aware of the many benefits of delivering the promotion news on an employee’s work anniversary! 🎉
The work anniversary paragraph of appreciation
A heartwarming paragraph from an employee’s manager is perhaps the most meaningful thing an employee can receive on their work anniversary.
Work anniversary team lunches
If you’re a manager and your team is in person at least once a week, then work anniversary lunches can be a powerful way to do something meaningful for your employees, boost a sense of belonging, and even increase interdepartmental cooperation!
Career-focused one-on-ones on an employee’s work anniversary
Some organizations have a formal process for having conversations with employees about their careers, but many don’t. If yours doesn’t, setting up your own personal tradition of having a career-focused one-on-one conversation on each employee’s work anniversary can be really special.
Looking for a great work anniversary gift idea?
Maximize meaningfulness — while minimizing cost and effort