thoughts on making
work anniversaries better
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#humanresources #managers #technologyteam #ceos #executiveassistants #graphicdesigners #marketingteam #funcommittee #frontline‑employees
The first-of-its-kind book, Inspiring Work Anniversaries, is live!
Inspiring Work Anniversaries is now available everywhere books are sold — as a hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and ebook!
Great work anniversaries are a team sport
Do you want amazing work anniversaries at your organization? Get more people involved!
Improve work anniversaries at your organization without permission
You don’t need the CEO or HR or any of the managers at any of the levels above you to give you permission. You can make work anniversaries where you work better, and you can start right now!
The 4-day workweek and work anniversaries
Momentum is growing for the transition to a 4-day work week. This post explores the often overlooked impact of the 4-day workweek on work anniversaries. If your organization is considering moving to 4-day workweeks, or already has, then this post is a must-read!
How to report a death to LinkedIn
No one wants LinkedIn to ask them to celebrate a dead colleague's work anniversary. Someone has to tell LinkedIn that the colleague died. Here's how to do it.
Work anniversary baked goods
Thinking about starting a tradition of making baked goods for the work anniversaries of members of your team?
Workaversary or Workiversary? (or something better?)
The definitive answer to the age-old question: “workaversary” or “workiversary”? The answer will surprise you!
Being thankful for colleagues on their work anniversaries
Research shows, being more thankful makes you happier! 😃 Here’s a fun and easy way to increase the gratitude in your work life throughout the year…
How to write a great work anniversary speech
Have you been chosen to give a speech celebrating a colleague’s work anniversary? This blog post will help!
Looking for a great work anniversary gift idea?
Maximize meaningfulness — while minimizing cost and effort