thoughts on making
work anniversaries better
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Acquisitions and work anniversaries
Handling the work anniversaries of acquired employees well can very cost-effectively help you win over their hearts and minds. Work anniversaries can serve as a symbolic transition from working for the acquired company to feeling a genuine sense of belonging with the new company.
Three great things to aim for when designing a work anniversary program
A lot of work anniversary programs waste money and effort because they don’t have clear objectives. Here are the three ways well-done work anniversaries can positively influence your workplace culture. Aim for these, and your work anniversary program will be better for your employees and for your organization!
How to report a death to LinkedIn
No one wants LinkedIn to ask them to celebrate a dead colleague's work anniversary. Someone has to tell LinkedIn that the colleague died. Here's how to do it.
Ideas for celebrating Employee Appreciation Day
Employee Appreciation Day is coming up on Friday, March 3rd, 2023. What’s your organization doing to celebrate? Check out this blog post for some great ideas.
Purpose and work anniversaries
The ideal work anniversary celebration reminds an employee of the organization’s purpose, why it matters, and the employee’s contributions to that purpose. A work anniversary can be a celebration of the sacred movement when a person became a part of something bigger than themself.
Belonging and work anniversaries
Belonging is one of the most powerful drivers of human experience. Work anniversaries provide a crucial boost to the two elements needed for belonging to flourish.
Don’t fire employees, fire your company
Your company is the tree. The employee you’re parting ways with is the fish. There’s a lot of water out there. Don't be the tree in the way of them finding it.
Psychological safety and work anniversaries
Work anniversaries play a powerful role in boosting psychological safety, which is the most important dynamic of high-performing teams.
Automating work anniversary reminders for managers using Workday
Learn how Workday can be configured to make it easy for managers to remember their employees' work anniversaries and do something thoughtful (even if that's not one of their strengths).
Peacock tails, dancing, wasted food, expensive handbags, uselessly fast cars, hugging, complicated schedule coordination, and the value of work anniversaries
An obscure branch of evolutionary biology provides a key to understanding the importance of work anniversaries.
Work anniversaries don’t celebrate time
If not time, then what? Read on for a radically different view of what work anniversaries represent.
Work anniversaries vs. birthdays
Organizations have limited resources. Two annual employee-focused holidays are vying for those limited resources. Who will emerge victorious?
Work anniversaries and marketing
Hundreds of organizations promote their employees’ work anniversaries on social media every day. Would this be valuable to your organization? How do you do it well?
The greatest work anniversary gift of them all
This isn’t the easiest work anniversary gift to give, but it will more than pay for itself. It’s both very well-received and also has proven ROI.
Work anniversary baked goods
Thinking about starting a tradition of making baked goods for the work anniversaries of members of your team?
Work anniversary tips for managers
Are you a manager? Here's a simple playbook for being awesome at work anniversaries.
Workaversary or Workiversary? (or something better?)
The definitive answer to the age-old question: “workaversary” or “workiversary”? The answer will surprise you!
Being thankful for colleagues on their work anniversaries
Research shows, being more thankful makes you happier! 😃 Here’s a fun and easy way to increase the gratitude in your work life throughout the year…
Work anniversary zero
Are you responsible for onboarding new hires? Here are five tips for onboarding with great work anniversaries in mind!
How to celebrate big work anniversaries at your company holiday party this year
Is your company having a holiday party this year? Celebrating big work anniversaries can be the most meaningful and memorable part of the event!
Looking for a great work anniversary gift idea?
Maximize meaningfulness — while minimizing cost and effort